Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Climbing mountains and uphill battles

On Sunday I went rock climbing at a place called Bangor about 40 minutes South of the Sydney CBD. It was a lovely all girls climbing trip arranged by the Sydney University Rockclimbing and Mountaineering Club (SURMC). The scenery was beautiful as it was located near two rivers and a part of the Sutherland Shire, which I like because it just sounds fancy. I met and got to know some great people and climbed some really fun routes. The route in the top picture was called Monkey bars and was one of the most fun outdoor climbs I've done. 

The previous weekend I went on a little road trip to Canberra (the capital of Australia) with a few cool people from uni (I call it uni now because I'm assimilating into the Aussie culture). Anyway, the initial purpose of the trip was to attend an International careers fair. As you can see from the picture below though, illegally parking and jumping in front of parliament was about the most productive part of the trip. 

Canberra is not a very happening place although I will give it credit for it's beautiful scenery, which you can capture quite nicely from the Telstra tower.

As far as the career fair, it was a complete fail. There were several development agencies there including the United Nations, Red Cross, The World Bank, and Care. All of which gave me the same inspiring advice: "in order to get your foot in the door, you need to volunteer for 3-5 years." Oh that or you can backpack across some remote area of the world, learn the local language, and if you're lucky you'll bump into Red Cross and they'll offer you a job. Needless to say, I'm feeling very discouraged about my job prospects after graduation. I knew getting into this field that I would never make a lot of money, and I accepted that. However, if I knew I was signing up for 5 years of slave labor, I may have reconsidered my options.  Despite that very daunting reality check that is my life, I am choosing to remain positive. I mean when did optimism ever hurt anyone...

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